
Rockwell Cancels Final Nuclear Test at Its Lab

In a surprise announcement Wednesday, Rockwell International called off plans to carry out a final nuclear experiment at the hot lab of its Santa Susana Field Laboratory west of Chatsworth, a victory for anti-nuclear activists.

Rockwell said it has contracted for the work to be done instead at the University of Missouri.

The announcement ended a long-running battle with anti-nuclear and homeowner activists opposed to Rockwell’s request to renew a nuclear materials license so the experiment, known as the TRUMP-S, could be done before the lab is decommissioned.


Administrative Law Judge Peter B. Bloch said Rockwell asked Wednesday to withdraw its license application, and that he promptly dismissed the case.

Rockwell no longer is authorized by NRC to handle nuclear materials in the hot lab, except as part of decontamination and decommissioning work, Bloch said.
