
Pasadena’s Armenian Population Put at 6,850

The Armenian-American population of Pasadena is at least 6,850 strong and makes up 5.16% of the city’s estimated 132,750 residents, according to a recently released survey. The count is smaller than past estimates, which put the figure as high as 15,000. But City Director Bill Paparian called the previous numbers “guesstimates.” He said the new data will be used to help set affirmative action hiring goals for the city.

The survey, which cost Pasadena more than $98,000, is the first official count of Armenian-Americans ever conducted by the city, officials said. The data, presented this week to the city’s Board of Directors Tuesday, revealed that Pasadena’s Armenian-Americans have a median age of 35; their households average 3.6 persons, larger than the U.S. average of 2.2 persons; 37% attend college or hold at least a bachelor’s degree, and their average annual household income is $39,000.
