
West Hollywood : Waiting List for Housing

The city is establishing a waiting list for moderate-income people seeking one of an estimated 25 apartments expected to be created over the next two years.

Under the city’s housing ordinance, a priority housing list of people seeking affordable housing is provided to developers who have agreed to build the moderate-income apartments in exchange for city approval of their projects.

The basis for eligibility will be determined by the applicants’ verified annual income and household size. The definition of moderate income ranges from $16,917 to $21,146 a year for one-person household and $22,015 to $27,519 for a family of four. The monthly rent is $429 for a single unit and $668 for a two-bedroom unit.


Additional priority will be given to West Hollywood residents, senior citizens, disabled residents and primary wage earners working within the city.

For an application and more information, call the West Hollywood’s Housing and Economic Development Division at (213) 854-7475. All applications must be postmarked by 5 p.m. May 4, 1990.
