
Bella Lewitzky and the NEA

Hooray for Bella Lewitzky (“Choreographer Rejects NEA’s $72,000 Grant,” by Allan Parachini, June 15). How many of us have such a commitment to First Amendment rights that we would turn down $72,000 because of a censorship clause?

The First Amendment is undergoing an attack unparalleled in recent memory. An amendment is proposed to make it illegal to burn the flag, a symbol standing for the very concepts that such an amendment would violate.

It is repulsive to the concept of free speech that China could execute a student for burning a flag; freedom-loving people the world over cheered as Eastern Europeans burned their flags in protesting the tyranny of their governments. Yet Americans, who honor the First Amendment above all others, are now at risk of erosion of rights.


A truly great American, Samuel Adams, once said, “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” While politicians who were elected to protect the Constitution plot its demise, Lewitzky exemplifies the true American spirit. Sam Adams would be proud of her.

ROBERT M. ROSS, attorney

Los Angeles
