
CSUN Libraries Need Time

Due to under-funding, the hours of operation of the two libraries at Cal State Northridge have been cut. The Oviatt and South libraries are no longer open on Sunday, which used to be busy from 1 to 10 p.m.

I am a graduate student in journalism at that institution. I use the library often so that I may one day complete my thesis. I work full time, which limits the hours I can spend at the library to evenings and weekends.

Closing the libraries on Sunday is a disappointment and setback for CSUN students and faculty. I am outraged, as should be everyone in the community, that our state’s universities have come to such a disgrace. How did this happen? Where do our student fees and taxes go? To fund new, unnecessary and poorly planned propositions that appear with each ballot?


In the academic community, a university is judged by the research that comes out of it, which depends on the resources, libraries and their holdings, available to its students and professors. What do shortened library hours at CSUN mean?

I am afraid that a degree from CSUN or any other California State University will soon not be worth the paper on which it’s printed.


Sherman Oaks
