
Ship Food No Mess

We found your freighter story very interesting. We have traveled extensively for the last 26 years and have used cruise ships and freighters, four of which were on the Lykes Line. The article was true to fact. Everything was good until one day we took the Ivaran Lines’ Salvador, a freighter, from Houston to the east coast of South America.

Having traveled in the “good old days,” we could not believe the beautiful and royal treatment we 12 passengers received on the Norwegian line. Even though the Salvador is a freighter, the passenger is treated royally. The food would put a cruise ship to shame--a sit-down full breakfast, a smorgasbord lunch, a sit-down service at night and the pantry service open 24 hours a day.

Rooms are large with refrigerator and telephone in each room. And cleanliness was the password. City shore tours were arranged with excellent meals at the best hotels or restaurants.


Hope you will let the public know about this line.



Los Angeles
