
‘Heavy-Duty Anger’ Heats Up

In discussing women’s “Heavy-Duty Anger” (Sept. 23), Bettijane Levine and some of the women interviewed assume equality of commitment by men and women to certain goals.

The fact is that many women want a package that includes first, security, marriage and fidelity; children; frequent intimate conversation, and a home (with nice things in it that are kept clean).

Far fewer men want that exact package--or they want it to a lesser degree. Thus, if women are insistent that men live up to the whole deal plus an exact sharing in the maintenance of it, many of us will opt out. For me (and increasingly more men--and some women) life goes on quite nicely alone and without any of the four items above. A woman who wants more, has got to pay more in time, caring and work.



Santa Barbara
