
Supervisor’s Voting Record Should Be Taken in Context

I was surprised to read your article regarding Supervisor Harriett M. Wieder, since it is my understanding that your newspaper has endorsed her for reelection to the County Board of Supervisors based upon her experience and her responsiveness to constituents.

During the past two years, I have had the opportunity to work closely with Supervisor Wieder on the Bolsa Chica Planning Coalition and found that during this time she spent countless hours working closely with citizens and governmental bodies trying to resolve a longstanding disagreement over the future of the Bolsa Chica wetlands. Thanks to her leadership, we now have a plan that will save more than 1,105 acres of wetlands and open space.

At the same time, she was confronted with other problems and projects that affected the entire county. She devoted hours of time to the Medfly question, was a key participant in decisions affecting air quality, and has a long history with waste management. I feel that her constituents want these problems addressed and do not feel it is a waste of her time to participate in the hundreds of meetings required to get the job accomplished.


SHIRLEY DETTLOFF, Huntington Beach
