
Are They Gangs or Just ‘Hanging Out’?

As the person charged with the responsibility of providing for a safe environment for the citizens of Mission Viejo, I also feel a responsibility for the perception of safety by our community.

There are no “gangs” in Mission Viejo. By that, I mean gangs as we have come to accept that description of groups of young people involved in wholesale drug dealing and violence.

I would, however, be the last to suggest that a gang member has never been in Mission Viejo or that drugs are not available here. Certainly that is not true, but we do not have a “gang” problem. I wish those citizens who have witnessed shootings in our parks would report these incidents to us.


Young people have, and I suspect always will, “hang out” together. We in law enforcement are concerned with their consumption of alcohol and drugs. We do not, however, see these congregations as some insidious plot to undermine our society as suggested by some.

The men and women of the Sheriff’s Department assigned as the Mission Viejo Police Department work very hard under difficult circumstances to make Mission Viejo a safe place to live, work and play. A good example of our success is the number of our citizens who safely walk and jog at all hours of the day and night in this community.

GEORGE JOHNSON, Lieutenant, Mission Viejo Police Services
