
Cerritos : Half of Street Closed for Cleanup of Oil Line Leak

The cleanup of more than 1,000 gallons of crude oil continues on Bloomfield and Eckleson avenues in Cerritos after an underground six-inch line burst on Nov. 7.

The two southbound lanes of Bloomfield are expected to remain closed through the week. One of the northbound lanes is being used for southbound traffic.

Powerine Oil Co. pays an annual franchise fee of about $3,700 to Cerritos for the underground pipeline that moves oil from the Port of Los Angeles north through Cerritos to the company’s base in Santa Fe Springs.


Work crews are removing soil contaminated by the spill and the city has hired an environmental consulting company, Woodward and Clyde Consultants of Santa Ana, to monitor the cleanup and test the soil for toxic residue. Under terms of its contract with Cerritos, Powerine must pay for the cleanup, including the consultant’s fee.

The spill, which covered the pavement and parts of the street median, also leaked into storm drains that empty into the Coyote Creek flood control channel. However, Michele Wastal, the city’s public information officer, said quick action by cleanup crews kept the oil from reaching the creek waters.
