
What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

Phillips is welcome to his viewpoints on homosexuality, but I wish he would use the entire Bible and not just pick a questionable translation of I Corinthians 6:9. Romans 1:26-27 says that God gave homosexuals up to vile passions because they left the natural use of the man or woman. Agree with it or not, but the Bible still teaches homosexuality is unnatural!

Phillips’ claim that Sodom was destroyed for “inhospitable treatment” to God’s messengers is laughable. Genesis 18:20 says Sodom was destroyed because “their sin is very grievous.” Genesis 19:4-6 states that the men of Sodom demanded the two angels of God “so they may know them carnally.” I imagine Phillips is now going to say that homosexual rape is just “inhospitable treatment.”

I have only one thing to say to Marshall Phillips and the liberal scholars he quotes: “Professing to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22).


