
Right-to-Die Controversy

I believe that Bill Bolte, a middle-aged disabled person, is dreaming about dragons that do not exist in his fear that anybody will ever seek the elimination of disabled persons who do not want to die. The entire point of right-to-die advocates is individual freedom of choice. We have no desire to advise others.

We do not believe that Dr. Kevorkian should be tried for developing his suicide machine and allowing Janet Adkins to use it. (A judge threw out the murder charge against Kevorkian on Dec. 13). Mrs. Adkins had made her own free decision, and we see no reason why anybody should question her decision, right or wrong.

I am 86, and do not want to spend any time in a nursing home for any reason. If my disability gets to the point where I have to go to a hospital, all I want is pain-killer drugs and a quick death. I bitterly resent all opposition to that desire. To others, I only say, mind your own business and I will never try to advise you on anything.


