
Weekend Voting

German voters went to the polls on Dec. 2 and 78% of 59.9 million eligible voters (reportedly the lowest turnout since 1949) cast their ballots.

Isn’t it about time that we Americans are allowed to vote on a Saturday or Sunday also? Our low voter turnout is a national disgrace and embarrassment.

And while we are in the mood for a change, let’s also have door-to-door voter registration like they do in Canada. People who are registered are much more likely to vote.


Expect much opposition and howls of rage from our current power structure, however, if ordinary Americans try to change the current comfy vote-on-a-weekday arrangement, which makes it very difficult for long-distance commuters and working couples to get to the polls.

Our ruling class is quite happy to govern without the consent of a large percentage of the governed.


Santa Monica
