
Peace Proposals and U.S. Bombing of Civilians

I felt a sickening sense of horror as I watched the newscast showing the bombed-out bunker where hundreds of old men, women and children who sought shelter from our bombing raids in Baghdad were killed or wounded. I saw the relatives weeping and crying out their terrible grief over the loss of their loved ones.

I wonder how Americans can watch the agony of these people and still feel proud enough to wave their flags? How can we be willing to see these atrocities being committed for the sake of cheap oil?

I feel the anger of these innocent people in a distant land directed towards the policies of our government. Americans need to know the truth concerning these policies. We need more in-depth reporting by a media that is not controlled by the people responsible for such policies.


We can’t just sit and watch and do nothing. We can’t forget the faces of these people who look at us from our TV sets and implore, “Why are you doing this to us?”


Rancho Cucamonga
