
Filmmakers who prefer not to shoot in...

Filmmakers who prefer not to shoot in a chronically rainy and overcast place such as L.A. are reminded by a new billboard on Sunset Boulevard that they do have an alternative. The ad is an invitation extended by the Alaskan Film Office.

The Geraldo Rivera of the retail store set?

The 7-Eleven chain, like a talk-show host trying to shout up the ratings, has been inviting customers to vote on such provocative topics as: “Would you trade your mate for $1 million?”

The latest topic is: “Should women reporters be permitted inside men’s locker rooms?” To create a sportsy atmosphere for the survey, the company said, parking lots at four of its L.A. stores will be occupied by “some of the city’s largest high school bands,” which will perform today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Customers may find themselves tackling another question: Where are you going to park?

It seems to us that Mother Nature is showing signs of compromising, now that she’s seen that L.A. wasn’t bluffing about instituting a water rationing program.

It’s too soon to tell how much rain she’ll release. But, in the meantime, the Department of Water and Power is cautioning people about putting bricks in their toilets to cut down on water usage. You may recall we mentioned recently that an Arcadia carwash owner is even giving away a free brick to each customer.

“It’s not a good idea because the bricks will disintegrate in the water,” said spokeswoman Dorothy Jensen, “and the material will foul up the plumbing.”


She pointed out that residents who phone the DWP (213) 481-5800 will receive a free plastic displacement bag that can be filled with water and used for the same purpose.

The problem with trying to rob an automatic teller machine is that the hunk of metal can’t be intimidated by threats. Police said that two men tried a different approach in Southwest L.A. the other night. They shot 15 bullets into the box, apparently thinking it would spit out lots of money. Police, who were staking out the area, promptly arrested the gunmen.

The machine, not recognizing the code pounded out by the bullets, dispensed no cash.

List of the Day:

We’re saying it in photos today--three business names that you would be hard-pressed to find in Peoria, Ill.



During the Depression, pioneer restaurateur Clifford Clinton invited diners to “pay what you wish. Dine free unless delighted.” He served tens of thousands of free meals. Clifton’s cafeterias are still in business here.
