
Unfounded Accusation

In your Jan. 27 article on Arnold Springer, Venice Action Committee Chairman Jack Hoffman was quoted as saying, “It is curious that Springer and Chumley (that’s me) who are in Ruth Galanter’s inner circle . . . got the money.” It is time to put to rest once and for all the allegations that I am in the pocket of local developers.

I am a private citizen. I am on the board of directors of the Venice Town Council, COAST and Venice Resources Corp., of which I am also acting executive director. In none of these or any other capacity have I taken money from developers, or from anyone else for that matter. Nor have I been promised any.

The truth is easily accessible to anyone suspicious of my activities. Developers planning projects in the community readily disclose the details of their developer exactions. As nonprofit organizations, the Venice Town Council and Venice Resources Corp. books can be made available for inspection.


I don’t see how people can make accusations without bothering to verify them. And I don’t see how The Times can print things based on innuendo, without question as to the motivation or accuracy behind them.

If I held political office, I would treat such mudslinging, particularly in an election year, as an occupational hazard. If I were a public figure, I would have the resources to fight back with a media campaign of my own. As a private citizen, I can do neither. So I resent being repeatedly subjected to allegations, which are no less dangerous or painful because they are indirect and unfounded.


