
CAL STATE NORTHRIDGE : New Policy Would Ban Smoking

Cal State Northridge is on the brink of adopting a policy that would make the campus smoke-free by the year 2000.

The proposed policy, to be implemented by CSUN President James W. Cleary after he receives feedback from campus organizations, would immediately prohibit smoking in all public areas, including classrooms, dining facilities, hallways, restrooms and conference rooms.

It recommends phasing out smoking in private offices and reception areas.

Eventually, smoking would be banned at stadiums, tennis courts and other recreational areas and at catered events held by university auxiliaries at the University Club.


Cleary drafted the policy after the Associated Students Senate and the Faculty Senate passed a joint resolution last fall urging that CSUN become a smoke-free campus, said CSUN spokeswoman Ann Salisbury.

“President Cleary will implement the smoking policy as soon as possible, barring any dramatic action against it,” Salisbury said.

Although the policy initially included a six-month phase-out of smoking in private offices and receptions areas, the Associated Students Senate this week recommended an amendment abolishing that grace period.


Many of the senators felt “it would be unfair to give the faculty an edge by smoking indoors when students can’t,” said Associated Students Senator Bruce Najbergier.

The student senate also recommended omitting from the policy a ban on the sale of tobacco products and a rule prohibiting smoking within 30 feet of all building entrances.

The Committee on Smoking, created to study the impact of a campuswide smoking ban, examined no-smoking rules at other universities and concluded that CSUN would have no major problems enforcing such a policy.


The committee was composed of student, staff and faculty leaders.

Similar policies already have been implemented at Cal State Los Angeles, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal State Long Beach, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and other schools.

Peer pressure and campus complaints, as well as disciplinary measures, made policies on other campuses enforceable, a committee report said.

The committee recommended that stop-smoking programs be made available on campus in conjunction with the policy implementation.
