
2 Held in Clash at War Protest

Two anti-war demonstrators were arrested Sunday after San Diego police attempted to disperse them following a confrontation with Persian Gulf War supporters, authorities said.

The peace group had marched from a rally held at Balboa Park to Broadway Circle near Horton Plaza, police said. A verbal confrontation followed between the anti-war group and pro-war supporters, who also had assembled there about 2:30 p.m.

The anti-war demonstrators left the Broadway Circle location and gathered in the 1700 block of 5th Avenue, where police attempted to disperse them.


Arrested were Mason Freeman Cocroft, 49, on suspicion of assaulting a police officer with a gun and resisting arrest. He is being held at the downtown jail in lieu of $25,000 bail. Also arrested was Guillermo Rafael Mendez, 25, on suspicion of resisting arrest and inciting to riot. He is being held at the downtown jail in lieu of $5,500 bail. Judd Feiler, 22, was cited on suspicion of striking a police horse.
