
The Times today begins a monthly feature...

The Times today begins a monthly feature that monitors price changes in Southern California for a range of key goods and services commonly purchased by households in the region. The chart below consists of average prices based on a Times survey of retailers and providers of services in Los Angeles and Orange counties during the last week in February. Future surveys will compare price changes from month to month.

February Groceries prices 1 lb. chicken (best of fryer cut up) $1.465* 13-oz. can coffee $2.73 1 dozen eggs (grade AA large) $2.038 24 oz. wheat bread $1.99 1 lb. pinto beans $0.564 10 lb. bag of potatoes $1.99 Navel oranges (per lb.) $1.04 1 gal. homogenized milk $2.5125 1 lb. broccoli (fresh) $0.632 8 oz. package of chocolate candy $1.365 Six-pack beer (12 oz. cans) $4.274 10 lb. bag dry dog food $6.472 Super concentrated detergent (30-load) $7.03* Toilet tissue (4-roll package) $1.496* Eating out Fast-food cheeseburger $0.895 Other goods and services 1 gal gasoline (unleaded self-serve) $0.919 3-pack, boys size 12 cotton briefs $2.99 Dry cleaning man’s 2-piece suit $5.60 Professional drain cleaning $41.75 Cost of semi-private hospital room** $1,188

* includes at least one sale price. ** Source: Hospital Council of Southern California; 1990 average cost per day for a Los Angeles County hospital room including non-physician services; figure will be updated quarterly.
