

From Associated Press

Here is the list of units sending troops home from the Persian Gulf early, as announced by the Pentagon Wednesday night. Area units are in bold type.

Each entry gives the name of the unit, the number of people being detached for the return to their home base and the destination. The departure point is given either at the head of the section for each service or just before the destination.

The section for each service is divided into two parts. The first part lists units providing detachments arriving Friday or Saturday and the second part gives units providing detachments arriving later at an unspecified early date.



All Marine departures will be from Jubail.

Arriving Friday or Saturday

Brigade Service Support Group 7, Detachment Alpha, 200, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 600, Kanohe Bay, Hawaii.

Regimental Combat Team 7, Detachment Bravo, 750, Twentynine Palms, Calif.

Later arrival:

7th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, 100, Twentynine Palms, Calif.

1st Battalion, 5th Marines, 900, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Surveillance, Reconnaissance Intelligence Group 7, 150, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Marine Air Group 70, 150, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Brigade Service Support Group 7, Detachment Bravo, 50, Camp Pendleton, Calif.


For Army units, all departures are from Dhahran unless otherwise stated.

Arrival beginning Friday or Saturday:

24th Infantry Division (Mechanized), 763, Ft. Stewart, Ga. (Hunter Army Air Field).

82nd Airborne Division, 900, Ft. Bragg, N.C.

2nd Armored Division, 75, Garlstedt, Germany (Frankfurt).

1st Infantry Division, 175, Ft. Riley, Kan. (Forbes Field).

197th Separate Brigade (Mechanized), 137, Ft. Benning, Ga.

5th Special Force Group, 386, departing from King Fahd Air Base, Ft. Campbell, Ky.

11th Air Defense Artillery, 300, Ft. Bliss, Texas.

513th Military Intelligence, 100, Ft. Monmouth, N.J. (McGuire Air Force Base).

Later arrival:

101st Air Assault Division, 900, Ft. Campbell, Ky.

3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, 250, Ft. Bliss, Texas.

1st Armored Division, 200, Ansbach, Germany (Nuremberg).

3rd Armored Division, 200, Frankfurt, Germany.

2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, 100, Nuremberg, Germany.

1st Cavalry Division, 900, Ft. Hood, Tex. (Robert Gray Army Air Field.)

XVIII Corps Support Command-Artillery Troops (includes Army Reserves), 1,400, Ft. Stewart, Ga., Ft. Campbell, Ky., Ft. Bragg, N.C. and Ft. Bliss, Tex.

VII Corps Support Command-Artillery Troops (includes Army Reserves), 250, Stuttgart, Germany and Ft. Riley, Kan.

Medical Command from Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., 350, departing from Riyadh, Ft. Sam Houston.


Arrival beginning Friday or Saturday:

1st Tactical Fighter Wing, 1,040, leaving Dhahran, Langley Air Force Base, Va.

Later arrival:

42nd Bombardment Wing, 586, leaving from various bases, Loring Air Force Base, Me.

55th Special Operations Squadron, 75, leaving from King Fahd Air Base, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.


9th Special Operations Squadron, 153, leaving from King Fahd Air Base, Eglin Air Force Base.


Arrival beginning Friday or Saturday:

Medical staffs of the hospital ships Mercy and Comfort and of Fleet Hospital Five, 1,742, leaving from Jubail and Bahrain, for various destinations through Norfolk, Va., Travis Air Force Base, Calif., and Andrews Air Force Base, Md.

Later arrival:

Naval Special Warfare Training Group 1, 115, leaving from Dhahran, Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, San Diego, Calif.


Naval Beach Group 1, 210, leaving from Bahrain, Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, Calif.

Amphibious Medical Support unit of Philadelphia, 95, leaving from Bahrain, Philadelphia.

303rd Security Unit, 15, leaving from Bahrain, Andrews Air Force Base, Md.
