
THOUSAND OAKS : Plans for 4 Office Buildings Rejected

Concerned about a lack of parking spaces, the Thousand Oaks Planning Commission has rejected a proposal to build four office buildings on the southwest corner of Duesenberg and Hillcrest drives.

J. D. Schwetz Co. asked the commission’s approval to construct four buildings without providing all of the parking required by the city code. Michael Browers, architect for the project, argued that the development need not provide all of the parking required because Southern California Edison Co. is allowing the developer to use existing parking next to the site.

But the city planning staff disagreed, saying the code requires parking to be provided on-site. Planning Department staff member Gillian Van Muyden warned that if the commission granted the exemption, it would encourage other developers to ask for one.


“I can’t support any project that reduces parking in the city of Thousand Oaks,” Commissioner Forrest Frields said. “I think the parking here is already atrocious.”

Jason Schwetz, owner of the development company, said he plans to appeal the decision to the City Council.
