
You Don’t Have to Rent to Buy at Regal’s Annual Parking Lot Sale

Words that once were magical lose their punch with time. The word sale used to conjure up visions of affordable treasures, but over the last few years--what with anniversary sales, Saturday sales, 12-hour sales, midnight sales, etc., the excitement has diminished.

But there are some, like the Regal Rents Annual Parking Lot Sale that never disappoint. All the table-top products rented by this party maker for the stars are replenished annually, and the management at Regal disposes of tablecloths, napkins, holloware, glassware, china, folding tables and chairs for rock-bottom prices.

The linen is one of the best buys. The 90-inch round cloth is $3.95, the 102-inch $4.95, the 120-inch $5.95 and the 12- by 6-foot banquet size is $4.95.


White wooden folding chairs--these are all new--are an excellent buy at $16.95. China and glassware are always good deals at Regal’s yearly sale. Complete services are available.

Glassware from France comes in water- and wine-size goblets and will be tagged at 99 cents each. But I have found the greatest bargains in the silver holloware. Picture a doily on some of the trays that may have scratches in the center and waltz out of there with one tucked under your arm for as little as $1.50.

From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at 9925 W. Jefferson Blvd., Culver City, (213) 204-3382. MasterCard and Visa accepted.


Shoppers will find some of the biggest bargains of the year at the annual Town Fair Bazaar benefiting the City of Hope on Saturday, Sunday and March 16.

Billed as the largest charitable event of its kind in the nation, the Town Fair Bazaar features 21 departments, including a mini-supermarket installed by the Southern California grocery industry, which features deli items, frozen and canned goods, and health and beauty aids, tagged for huge savings.

Bargain hunters will find a range of items throughout the warehouse, including paint and wallpaper, housewares (some great values here), clothing for the whole family, plumbing supplies, toys, shoes, lamps, carpeting and fabrics.


The warehouse holds a sale on the second Saturday of each month, but the Town Fair is a special and much larger event, and this is its 66th year. It’s particularly nice to know that all of the merchandise has been donated by local retailers and manufacturers, and all of the proceeds go to the City of Hope.

Doors open at 9 a.m. and usually close about 3 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and March 16, 317 S. Crocker St., downtown Los Angeles. Cash or check only. Admission 50 cents. Plenty of free parking.
