
Shirley Goldinger; Consumer Advocate Led County Efforts

Shirley Goldinger, the first director of the Los Angeles County Department of Consumer Affairs, died Wednesday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center of complications after surgery. She was 65.

Ms. Goldinger, former state Democratic chairwoman, was a longtime consumer advocate who led the department when it was conceived in 1975. At her death, it had a staff of 40 and about 90 volunteers who help investigate possible abuses of consumers.

She received the first annual Consumer Advocate Award in Los Angeles in 1973 and commendations from the state Assembly and city of Los Angeles.


She also was considered an expert witness on consumer affairs and testified often before local, state and national committees.

Her county innovations included the small claims court adviser program and the dispute settlement service program.

Survivors include her daughter, Sharon; a son, Jay, and a brother, who ask that contributions in her name be made to the Israel Cancer Research Fund or the Wellness Community.


A funeral service was held Sunday at Mt. Sinai Memorial Park.
