
Fox Lists Calabasas as Possible Relocation Site

20th Century Fox Film Corp. has named Calabasas as the most workable site to relocate if the Los Angeles City Council does not approve the film studio’s plan to expand at its current Century City location.

However, David Handelman, a Fox senior vice president, said Fox has an “overwhelming preference” to stay in Century City and he is “optimistic that we will get approval” for the Century City expansion.

Fox has proposed expanding the development on its 53 acres in Century City from 1.1 million square feet of office and studio space to 1.9 million square feet. As part of an environmental impact report filed with the Los Angeles Planning Department, Fox was required to list possible sites for relocation should its plan be denied. A 67-acre parcel southeast of the Calabasas Road ramps to the Ventura Freeway was named as the “most workable” site, Handelman said.


It will probably be at least a year until the Los Angeles City Council makes a decision on the Century City expansion, Handelman said.
