
SANTA PAULA : Residents Urged to Adopt a Flag

The Santa Paula City Council is encouraging residents to adopt a flag for $25 to help cover the cost of replacing ones that are worn and faded.

“In a sense, it was inspired by pragmatism,” Councilwoman Margaret Ely said. “We had some problems trying to put flags up. Our flags are old and tend to fade, and the council was hesitant about putting out more money. But members of the community wanted to show support for the troops, and this was an opportunity to give them a chance to participate.”

Individuals, organizations and businesses adopting a flag will receive an “adoption certificate” from the city. The fee will help the city replace the current cloth flags with nylon flags, which are more durable, City Clerk Stacey MacDonald said.


Ely, who initiated the move to put the flags on Main Steet in early February, said about 25 Santa Paulans are serving in the military. Several of them were involved in Operation Desert Storm.

“Although it made us feel good to have them up,” Ely said, “we want the flags up when the troops come home. It’s for them.”
