
Water Main Break Is the Last Straw

As I witnessed the water pipe breaking in front of my office last Friday (Kester Avenue and Ventura Boulevard), I wondered what new havoc the City Council would bestow on us when it comes to water use.

The council seems generally interested in the welfare of the construction industry, not the residents.

Isn’t this the same City Council that allowed wasteful high-rise construction in the Valley? Buildings with subterranean garages that need to pump out fresh ground water into the sewer system?


Isn’t this the same council that allowed industry to pollute our valuable ground water year after year?

Now the council is trying to determine what percentage of new construction will be allowed to have water hookups.

Councilman Bernson’s suggestion to ban new swimming pools is only a drop in the proverbial bucket when it comes to water conservation. What about new construction earmarked for Porter Ranch? Mum’s the word from Bernson.


The answer is to place a moratorium on all new hookups until the emergency has ended, and then to closely monitor the water situation in relation to new construction and water consumption.


Sherman Oaks
