
South Pasadenans Differ Over Freeway Extension Issue

As a resident of South Pasadena, I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed 710 Freeway extension through our city and surrounding communities.

The Meridian Variation route will destroy South Pasadena as an economically viable city. Approximately 1,500 dwelling units will be demolished. Hundreds of historic and valuable homes and neighborhoods will be lost.

Caltrans’ own studies indicate that the multilevel interchange planned for Orange Grove Boulevard and the Pasadena Freeway will draw more traffic to local streets, which will become over-congested freeway feeder boulevards. Over 7,000 mature trees will be destroyed. Air pollution levels in the West San Gabriel Valley will increase dramatically.


A new freeway constructed anywhere in Los Angeles County will be filled to capacity almost immediately and will bring hundreds of thousands of additional trucks and cars through our cities, day and night.

I urge you to oppose the route 710 extension through our community, as we have for the past 35 years.


South Pasadena
