
ORANGE : City to Make Up GI Pay Difference

City employees called to duty in the Persian Gulf will be paid the difference between their military and civilian pay when they return, the City Council decided this week.

In January, the council passed a resolution extending health and medical benefits to those employees. The resolution will be amended to include provisions to pay the difference in salaries.

The wage supplement applies only to employees called involuntarily to serve in the Middle East during the Persian Gulf crisis. It does not cover employees who are on temporary duty, annual training or those attending service-related schools.


Currently, three city employees have been called to active duty, and two have been placed on standby. The wage supplement will cost the city between $522 and $1,671 per month for each employee, according to a report from Personnel Director Orv Placial. If all five eligible employees were called to active duty, it would cost the city about $4,839 a month.
