
Oscar Nominees Are Prize and Joy at USC Party

Hyla Bertea knew what to wear to Tuesday night’s Academy Award Preview party staged by USC: a black charmeuse suit studded with stars.

Bertea--always a fashion plate--was co-chair with Don Shaw of the social sponsored by the school’s Orange County Planning and Development Council, a volunteer group providing leadership for local alums.

Party-goers at the Hyatt Regency Irvine helped themselves to appetizers in a flower-bedecked room before hearing a panel of film experts discuss this year’s Academy Award nominees.


Among the panelists were USC alums Fay Kanin, the first female president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and Woody Omens, a cinematographer who teaches at the university. Elizabeth Daley, chairwoman of USC’s film-television production, was the moderator.

During the reception, Omens, an Academy member, predicted that “Dances With Wolves” would snare the Oscar for Best Picture.

“Kevin Costner has made a film he cared about and didn’t look to box office as the sole pathway to success,” said Omens, who shot “Coming to America” and “Harlem Nights.”


“At USC, we try to teach concern for content, get our students to believe in themselves. When you see a Kevin Costner do that so well, you think, ‘That’s what I’d like to see my students having the courage to do someday.’ ”

On her toes: One minute she’s pirouetting in a cloud of spangled tulle, the next she’s getting down in slacks. Either way, super-ballerina Susan Jaffe was a head-turner on Tuesday night when she appeared at American Ballet Theatre’s opening at the Orange County Performing Arts Center and then at a bash at Birraporetti’s.

Jaffe’s appearance marked her fifth year at Segerstrom Hall, a facility she says makes her feel very much at home. “It’s such a nice stage and nice atmosphere,” she said.


“She’s almost a happy camper,” teased Center President Thomas Kendrick. “Five years in a row!”

The ballerina who thrilled the audience in “Ballet Imperial” is startlingly beautiful, with huge hazel eyes and a heart-stopping smile. And so trim. “I’m a vegetarian,” she explained. “I stay away from fat.”

Dining as art: Clang! Clang! It was the sound of wine glasses being banged together that diners heard between courses at the Art of Dining at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach on Sunday night.

The 430 guests were having such a good time that emcee Michael Mondavi was hard-pressed to quiet them down as he explained the marriage of wine and food for each course.

No problem. The benefit for the Newport Harbor Art Museum has earned a reputation for great food in an unstuffy atmosphere.

Chefs from all over the world participated, and the Mondavi winery donated the wines.
