
President Bush’s Successful War

As a former “Outstanding Young Democrat in the Nation” in 1967 while serving as president of the Las Vegas Young Democrats, I’m not inclined to praise Republicans, but George Bush deserves kudos for his accomplishments on the international scene; in particular the building of consensus in the spectacular prosecution of the Gulf War.

I’ll have to admit Ronald Reagan would probably have bumbled charmingly to the same result but without being as “connected” as Bush. That connectedness is important. The President Bush that has emerged since his election would not have blundered as Reagan did in the Iran-Contra debacle.

Hopefully, the current momentum can lead to some assuagement of the implacable geopolitical differences in the Middle East. Fortunately, the Palestinians should gain new, improved leadership that could help.


More important, Bush may even be able to repair some of the damage Reaganomics has done to the economy and to our national wellness.


Los Angeles
