
Lennox Schools to Lay Off 7 Workers in Budget Trimming


Lennox School District trustees this week approved program reductions, seven layoffs and fee increases aimed at heading off a projected budget deficit in the fiscal year that begins July 1.

Although the district will probably not adopt a 1991-92 budget until September, school officials anticipate a significant state funding shortfall.

Assistant Supt. Bruce McDaniel told trustees at Tuesday’s board meeting that the district is also projecting an $808,614 shortfall in the $20.8-million budget for the current school year. The district will offset the difference by dipping into its $934,000 reserve, McDaniel said.


The district also used its reserve to balance the budget in 1988-89 and 1989-90, McDaniel said.

School officials hope the measures adopted Tuesday will preclude using its reserve to balance next year’s budget.

“Our situation is not as critical as many of the districts around us,” Supt. Kenneth Moffett told the board. “But if we don’t make adjustments now, our situation could become extremely critical.”


School officials said Lennox, unlike some school districts in the state, will be able to meet its financial obligations this year.

The layoffs, which will become effective in July, include full-time maintenance and support staff positions. No full-time teachers are included in the layoffs. The district has 365 full-time employees, including 193 teachers.

Trustees also cut funding for instructional aides by 50%, for a savings of $218,593. In addition, the aides’ work year was reduced from 180 days to 173 days for a savings of $9,230. However, until state and federal allocations are made for specific spending categories, the district cannot be certain whether it will need to lay off any full-time instructional aides next year, McDaniel said.


Other cost-saving measures adopted Tuesday:

* A film contract with the County Office of Education was eliminated for a savings of $4,875. Only films donated or loaned at no cost to the district will be shown.

* California Test of Basic Skills testing will be given once a year for a savings of $10,000. The tests are currently conducted twice a year.

* Student lunch prices were increased from 70 cents to $1, which officials said will generate $21,500.
