
Putting a Price on the Boz’s Movie Debut

While we were generally pleased with the accuracy of Steve Weinstein’s story about Brian Bozworth and “Stone Cold,” our May 3 Columbia Pictures release, we feel compelled to correct one substantial error: Our direct cost on “Stone Cold” was not the $25 million he reported, but $17.8 million, or about $10 million less than the average studio film last year.

Nor was it anywhere near 2 1/2 times the original budget , as reported. Without getting into a long discussion of the movie budgeting process, suffice it to say that despite having to change directors early in the shoot, we were able to produce an exciting action film that we believe has great commercial potential for a very reasonable price.


Stonebridge Entertainment, Los Angeles

With regard to Brian Bozworth’s film career: I think I’ll be out of town that weekend.


Huntington Beach
