
Families of Fire Victims Need Help Now

Nationwide, national fire statistics reveal that at least four children die each day in residential fires.

The fatal fire that caused the death of 3-year-old Aaron Jones (“Space Heater Started Blaze That Killed 3-Year-Old,” March 11) is yet another Orange County horror story.

The story seems somehow strangely similar to the fatal Tustin fire on May 11, 1990, that took the life of 4-year-old Jimmy de la Riva.


Even the circumstances of the two fires are uncanny in their similarity. The Jones fire had a flaming mattress in the living room; the de la Riva fire, a flaming sofa. Toni Jones managed to successfully rescue her children except for Aaron. Joseph de la Riva rescued all save Jimmy.

The fires have left both families with incredible needs. The fire has left Toni Jones with insurmountable burdens, emotionally as well as financially. Whatever the community can do between now and Good Friday, we must do quickly.

Who knows who will be the next victim of a fire. It could be you.

