
Irvine Assistant a Candidate for Top Job

Ernie Carr, a UC Irvine assistant coach, will be one of probably “five or six” candidates Irvine will interview for its men’s basketball coaching job, Athletic Director Tom Ford said Saturday.

Carr, an assistant at Irvine the past two seasons, said he has been told he will be interviewed, “probably next week.”

Carr was an interim head coach at Saddleback College for one year, an assistant at UCLA for one year, and head coach at Dominguez High School for 12 years.


Irvine officials already have met with at least two other coaches. Washington State’s Kelvin Sampson met with Ford last week, and told a Pullman, Wash., newspaper that the position was “my job to turn down.” Sampson is renegotiating his contract with Washington State, and was quoted as saying he wanted to remain at the school.

Ford also met with Villanova assistant John Olive last month while Olive was on a West Coast trip during which he interviewed for the St. Mary’s coaching job.

St. Mary’s last week announced the hiring of Ernie Kent, a Stanford assistant. Kent had been a candidate at Irvine.
