

Compiled by Times researcher Cecilia Rasmussen

A Times story and chart on March 5 had some conflicting contribution figures for Los Angeles City Council candidates in the April 9 election. Here is a listing of contributions and expenditures:

CANDIDATE RECEIVED EXPENDITURES FUND-RAISING START DATE District 2 Peter A. Lynch Sent wrong form Pending Tom Paterson $ 5,500 $75 Jan. 1991 Joel Wachs 17,522 7,521 Jan. 1991 District 4 John Ferraro 173,150 19,411 Jan. 1989 District 6 J. Wilson Bowman 1,865 750 Jan. 1991 Mervin Evans 16,000 14,870 Jan. 1991 Ruth Basia Galanter 181,196 95,733 July 1989 Salvatore Grammatico 2,125 1,512 Sept. 1990 Mary Lee Gray 59,814 41,786 Sept. 1990 Charles Albert Mattison 0 0 Jan. 1991* Tavis Eugene Smiley 36,074 35,063 Sept. 1990 Goldie Glitters (write-in) 0 0 Jan. 1991 District 8 Maybelline Griffin 0 232 Jan. 1991 Jonathan Leonard 500 0 Jan. 1991 Kerman Maddox 52,618 47,770 July 1990 Norma Celestine Mena 3,000 0 ** Billy Mills 30,857 22,643 July 1990 Carolyn Moore Not reported Cornelius A. Pettus Not reported Mark Ridley-Thomas 76,313 45,061 Jan. 1991 Roderick Devon Wright 16,990 12,283 Jan. 1991 District 9 Theodore Bey Not reported Woodrow Fleming 24,700 11,728 Jan. 1991 Bob Gay 103,883 93,762 Sept.1990 Charles David Henry 12,535 8,104 Jan. 1991 Joseph Abraham Hubbard 1,200 705 Jan. 1991 Brad Pye Jr. 17,230 14,129 Jan. 1991 Barbara Ratliff 2,857 5,142 Jan. 1991 Michael Schaefer 10,100 3,160 Jan. 1991 Lang Stanley 0 0 Jan. 1991 Rita Dolores Walters 40,514 32,842 Jan. 1991 District 10 Nathan Nathaniel Holden 197,005 44,060 Jan. 1990 Esther M. Lofton 1,300 423 Jan. 1991 District 12 Hal Bernson 235,650 126,080 July 1990 Allen Robert Hecht 6,683 3,260 Jan. 1991 Arthur (Larry) Kagele 1,986 345 Jan. 1991 Julianna Korenstein 28,286 26,074 Jan. 1991 Walter N. Prince 34,654 13,251 Jan. 1991 Leonard Shapiro 2,209 366 Jan. 1991 District 14 Richard Alatorre 312,724 309,827 June 1987 David Ralph Diaz 2,219 292 Jan. 1991 Martin GutieRuiz 0 0 Jan. 1991 John Lucero 3,961 3,427 Jan. 1991

* Mattison hand-delivered his campaign statement to the city election department on March 5 and paid a $50 late penalty.


** Figure reported from statement dated Dec. 31, 1990. Feb. 23 statement not received.

NOTE: The city charges $10 for each day the statement is late. Contribution totals include cash and non-monetary donations. Expenditures include unpaid bills.
