
Progress Means Expansion

Having been a resident of Oxnard for 20 years, I have seen much growth in our community. Agricultural lands have become commercial and housing tracts, accompanied by population increases with many young families coming to this area.

Implementing year-round classes at the elementary and intermediate schools was the first step in accommodating this increase; expanding existing facilities and building new schools was the next step. These students’ progress now necessitates expansion or new facilities at the high school level. Approximately 10 to 12 acres are needed for a K-6 school, 20 to 25 acres for an intermediate school and 40 to 50 acres for a high school.

Aside from condemning existing housing or commercial tracts, where in our community do we find such parcels to build these necessary campuses? Agricultural properties, on the outer edges of our community, have been selected for their available acreage and proximity to anticipated growth of Oxnard.


Our students deserve more than overcrowded classrooms, double sessions and ancient facilities. The Oxnard Union High School District board needs our support in their quest to expedite the relocation of Oxnard High School.


