
Weighing In: Now that the fight in...

Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Weighing In: Now that the fight in the Gulf is over, the fight in the gut begins. White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater says he gained 35 pounds between Iraq’s Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait and the beginning of the ground war Feb. 23 because his way of dealing with stress was “go out and eat.” Now it’s diet drinks for breakfast and lunch and “a reasonable meal” of chicken or fish for dinner. Fitzwater, 228 pounds, wants to trim down to 200.

* Take This Job: The job is awful, but somebody’s got to do it. Lech Walesa, Poland’s first elected president, said in Warsaw that his new role “is even worse and more ungratifying than I imagined.” He said in his country “one is president as punishment because it’s too difficult and nothing is arranged.”

* Playing Games: For Woodrow Wilson, it was a Ouija board. Dwight Eisenhower tried to get in a little golf every day. Lyndon Johnson delighted in dominoes. George Bush hefts horseshoes. A new museum exhibit shows how U.S. Presidents unwind when the going gets tough--and when it’s not so tough. Wilson called golf “an ineffectual attempt to put an elusive ball into an obscure hole with implements ill-adapted to the purpose.” Gerald Ford, a hoot on the fairways when balls careened into the crowds, nevertheless accepted the display in good form: It is at the Gerald R. Ford Museum in Grand Rapids, Mich.


* Seeing Green: Prince Charles said in London it is time to fight world poverty, hunger and homelessness. “Surely it is crazy to wait for ecological and human catastrophes before we tackle the root causes of them.” Green farming is a part of the solution, the prince believes, and a supermarket has begun selling special lambs raised on his land. The animals are raised under higher-than-normal husbandry standards, including minimum use of fertilizers on grazing land.
