
One Eclectic Evening

Sunday’s performance of 1 + ONE at Port Hueneme’s Dorill B. Wright Cultural Center will offer jazz, funk, R & B, Latin and classical music.

1 + ONE is Patrice Rushen and Ndugu Chancler, two versatile musicians who combine traditional instruments with high-tech computerized machinery for a blend of synthesized sounds.

Rushen, who was nominated for a Grammy award, is touted as one of the industry’s best keyboardists, and her solo work has topped the R & B and pop charts in recent years.


Chancler, a drummer and vibe player, gained notoriety when shortly after graduating from high school he joined the band of music great Miles Davis.

Oxnard’s Mikal Patterson will open the concert, playing a blend of soulful rhythm and jazz.

The cultural center is at 575 E. Surfside Drive, Port Hueneme. Tickets are $13.50 in advance, $15 at the door. The concert is at 7:30 p.m. For more information, call 986-6599.
