
Hollywood : Loan OK Likely for Shelter

City redevelopment officials are expected to approve a low-interest $70,000 loan today that will help establish a Hollywood shelter for runaway youth.

The Los Angeles Youth Network is planning to buy a building at 1550 Gower St. with state funds and rehabilitate the structure with the loan from the Community Redevelopment Agency, according to Liz Gomez, the youth network’s program director.

The CRA staff already has recommended the loan, and the CRA board is scheduled to give final approval at its meeting today. It will be the first social needs project assisted by the redevelopment agency since it adopted its Hollywood Social Needs Plan late last year, CRA officials said.


The shelter will provide beds for 20 male and female runaways, ages 12 to 17. The commercial building is currently vacant, and the loan will be used to install a kitchen, laundry room, shower rooms and dining room, and for plumbing, heating and electrical work, the CRA said.
