
Her Songs of Fantasy Are Striking a Winning Chord With Children

The subjects of Linda Arnold’s songs run the gamut of fantasy, from a magic horse with periwinkle eyes and peppermint wings that flies children to a magic wonderland to monsters playing basketball, and a grandfather clock that complains, “You’re tick tock tick tock tickling me” when someone opens his door.

Arnold’s inventive lyrics, sung in a strong, sweet voice, have made her a rising star in children’s music.

One of eight children’s artists signed by A & M Records in Hollywood, guitarist Arnold has released three records and is working on another and a music video, said Regina Kelland, A & M’s director of children’s marketing. Arnold also has performed in concert on the Disney Channel.


The former Granada Hills resident, who lives and works in Santa Cruz, will be returning to this area for two concerts Sunday at the Valley Cities Jewish Community Center in Van Nuys.

Appearing with Arnold will be some of the imaginary characters that populate her songs, including Tyrone the Dinosaur, who comes over to a child’s house to play and jumps on the bed with comic result, and Daisy Belle, a purple cow who squawks like a chicken and lays purple eggs.

Arnold appeared at the community center two years ago for a sold-out concert before an enthusiastic audience, so center officials were eager to bring her back, said Pat Jordan, the show’s program director. Arnold’s songs are geared primarily toward young children, Jordan said.


“She makes a real effort at capturing the imagination of children,” Jordan said. “I find that children really can relate to her songs very easily. Sometimes adults write to children as if they’re talking to children, but I think she sort of comes from inside the child’s eyes looking out.”

Arnold said she tries to write songs that are uplifting and that encourage “positive social values,” such as reading and compassion for all living things, while at the same time encouraging children to use their imaginations.

“The challenge in children’s music is making sure that it’s singable and yet not simplistic,” she said. “I like to use lyrics that will draw them into a world of fantasy, that will encourage their imagination and promote positive social values.”


Arnold received a bachelor’s degree in drama at UC Santa Cruz, then toured with a theater company, dancing and doing musicals. The birth of her children--Katy, 13, and Toby, 8,--turned her focus to children’s music, she said.

She said she receives songwriting assistance from her children, who “contribute ideas all the time. I do a lot of writing in the car. I’ll be refining the lyric in the car and then they’ll put in their 2 cents. When I hear them humming the song in the bathroom or the car, that’s when I know a song is really good.”

Both children can be heard on all three albums and sometimes accompany their mother during concerts.

Those planning to attend the concert are invited to arrive early and picnic at the community center, or let their children play on the playground equipment, Jordan said. After the concert, free cookies, milk, apple juice, pretzels, coffee and tea will be served, she said.

The Linda Arnold concerts are scheduled for 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Valley Cities Jewish Community Center, 13164 Burbank Blvd., Van Nuys. Doors open 15 minutes before each performance. Tickets: $5.50 for non-members and $4.50 for center members. Tickets are available at the door but because seating is limited, telephoning is advised. For information, call (818) 786-6310.
