
Aviation Safety

Thank you for the concern for aviation safety shown in the series “Danger in the Sky” (March 10-12). However, by concluding Part 2 with my statement, “Aviation safety is excellent--but accidents will occur,” you shortchanged readers. Taken out of context that statement gives the impression that we in aviation are callous regarding safety. Nothing can be farther from the truth.

With others representing virtually every major aviation group in the country, I have worked for three years in the Southern California Airspace Users Working Group finding ways to improve the safety and efficiency of the airspace system in Southern California. The Federal Aviation Administration has provided vital input and human resources. Our work has yielded many insights into how to improve safety not only here, but also in other congested areas.

We have set a timetable that will lead to major improvements in the safety, utility and efficiency of the aviation routes in this busy, but manageable area. We are doing this voluntarily, through cooperative means. That is the good news that followed my statement and should have been tied directly to it.



Assistant Western Region Representative

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assn.

Rancho Park
