
SANTA PAULA : Santa Paula : 7 Protest Parade’s Gulf War Theme

Despite criticism from opponents of the Persian Gulf War, Santa Paula will have a Fourth of July parade dedicated to the soldiers who fought in the conflict.

The City Council authorized the parade Monday, although seven residents complained in a letter that it was improper for the parade to be held expressly to celebrate the return of the troops.

John Romero, who read the letter, said Memorial Day and Veterans Day already honor the military.


“Although we are thankful that our local soldiers have returned safely, we, like many in Santa Paula, do not feel that a war which was fought to reinstate the wealthiest monarchy in the world to be particularly compatible with the democratic ideals of the Fourth of July,” he said.

He suggested that, in addition to the military, the parade incorporate floats celebrating great American pacifists, such as Martin Luther King Jr., as well as African-American dancers and Mexican-American music.

Mayor John Melton said the parade’s focus is not an endorsement of the war. It is intended to welcome home the troops, in keeping with President Bush’s suggestion that communities recognize soldiers on that day, he said.


The Mexican-American Chamber of Commerce and Santa Paula merchant Connie Hanks, who are organizing the parade, would welcome floats other than those with a military theme, Melton said.

John Nichols, who signed the letter, said that the parade’s focus went beyond a welcome home for the military. It is thinly veiled boosterism for Bush’s foreign policies, he said.
