
Debate Over Gateway Parkland Uses

In response to your article on the proposed Mulholland Drive “Gateway” Park in the Santa Monica Mountains: Why does this parkland need to be urbanized?

The parkland as it now exists is well utilized by hikers, bicyclists and horseback riders without any complaints. Adequate access is currently available from the east portion of the park in addition to the main entrance to Topanga State Park.

What possible “improvements” could be made to an already beautiful and unadulterated park? The undisturbed surroundings and native environment will not be enhanced by paving Mulholland Drive and building parking lots for buses. A more likely scenario is that the increased vehicular activity will lead to litter, smog, traffic congestion, crime and a general degradation of these natural surroundings.


It appears that the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy has entered or is being pushed into the land development business. It is ironic that a “Conservancy” would support such a proposal to sacrifice valuable natural beauty to meet some unknown agenda.

The real problem appears to be finding a reasonable solution to Encino’s traffic congestion problems. A permanent solution to these problems will not be found by paving a highway through this undisturbed parkland. Other solutions exist including the provision of adequate bus and rail transit systems that access Ventura Boulevard, or requiring voluntary or mandatory car pools and van pools for nonresidents traveling through these areas.


