
Responses to Stories About Bernson Race

It seems ironic that not one of the candidates has mentioned any of the positive things Councilman Hal Bernson has done for us in the 12th District. The mudslinging goes on and on.

A dumb idea has been floating around to limit the terms people can serve in elected offices. It takes a long time to learn the intricacies of the bureaucracy. There is much fragmentation of programs, responsibility, funding, regulation, etc. Then, there is the colleague network one has to cultivate in order to get things done.

From a consumer advocate viewpoint, the limitation idea is a disaster. Limiting the time our elected officials have to understand and work the system plays right into the hands of the career bureaucrats, whose sole aim in life is to confuse and obstruct the people.


To think that we can get better government by playing musical chairs is dumb.

BEN PERLIN, Canoga Park
