
PLATFORM : Success Story

Orange County Supervisor GADDI H. VASQUEZ comments on Gloria Molina’s joining the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, and what it may mean for the state’s under - represented, burgeoning Latino community. He told The Times:

The election of Gloria Molina to the Board of Supervisors is one more step in the growing political strength of the Latino community. Her experience as a legislator, city councilwoman and community activist will serve her well.

But as those of us in county government well know, the challenges will come sooner than the opportunities. The most immediate need is reining in the soaring cost of government services to a growing and diverse population, and the massive need to develop and fund the aging infrastructure throughout the region. With county governments on the front line of delivering vital services, the task ahead is a formidable one that will challenge the brightest and the best in public office.

But a major opportunity for Molina will come as a role model to the Latino community. (She) will be able to motivate the youth to fight the uphill odds that many face, and to serve as an example of political determination and will.
