
MOORPARK : City, Cable Firm to Discuss Complaints

Moorpark officials plan to meet with the manager of a local cable television company Tuesday to discuss possible violations of the company’s franchise agreement with the city.

City officials decided to examine the franchise agreement with Entertainment Express Limited after residents in the city’s Mountain Meadows neighborhood complained about a new $3.60-a-month charge for each cable television outlet installed in their houses.

Urban West Communities, the company which built the homes and which owns part of Entertainment Express, prohibits the use of antennas or satellite dishes, so there is only one source for television service, residents told City Council members last week.


“They want more money,” said Patti Smith, president of the Mountain Meadows Homeowners Assn.

“We aren’t going to lay down and roll over regarding this exorbitant rate hike.”

Homeowners said the development’s 1,500 houses were built with several Cable TV outlets each and that they paid $60 to have them hooked them up.

Some residents have purchased additional outlets, some as many as 10 in a house, without ever being told they may be charged for them later.


“The issue is not the $3.60,” said Stephen Sill, a resident of the community.

“The issue is that it’s a thinly veiled raid on our pocketbooks.”

Although federal law limits the city’s authority to regulate rates, city leaders believe the company may be in violation of some conditions of its franchise requirements.

Deputy City Manager Richard Hare refused to specify any potential violations until after Tuesday’s meeting with Entertainment Express.
