
LA HABRA : 1 of 2 Planning Positions Is Filled

One of two available Planning Commission positions was filled last week, but the other is awaiting changes in city policy on term limits before a decision is made.

Eugene Lablond, a realtor and resident of La Habra for 26 years, was appointed to replace Commissioner Charles Taylor, whose term will expire this month. Taylor had said he was not interested in a second term.

Lablond will step down as chairman of the General Plan Committee to take the Planning Commission post. The committee is made up of residents who advise the Planning Commission on the Master General Plan, a 30-year blueprint for the city.


The other opening, now held by Commissioner Paul Thornburg, was put on hold indefinitely by the City Council, although his term would have ended this month.

Thornburg, who has served more than six years on the commission, is requesting that the council reconsider its policy of limiting office terms to 10 years. If reappointed, Thornburg will exceed the limit. He was appointed to the commission in July, 1984, to fill an unexpired term, and reappointed in 1986 to serve a full term.
