
SEAL BEACH : Council OKs Change in District Borders

Despite objections from Mayor Edna Wilson and Councilman Joe Hunt, the City Council on Monday night approved boundary changes for two council districts.

The change will move the uninhabited Old Ranch Golf Course property from Wilson’s district to Councilman Frank Laszlo’s district.

The Bixby Ranch Co. has proposed building a new golf course, houses and commercial development on the land, located east of Seal Beach Boulevard and north of the San Diego Freeway.


The project has come under fire from Laszlo, who suggested the boundary change. Laszlo claims that his constituents in College Park East are more affected by the property’s development than those in Wilson’s district, who primarily live in Leisure World.

Wilson and Hunt said they preferred to postpone changes in district boundaries until a committee they hope to convene examines census data and suggests alterations to the districts.

“We are not discussing population shifts here,” said Councilwoman Marilyn Bruce Hastings, who voted in favor of the boundary change. “This is bare, vacant land with dirt and golf holes.”


“What Marilyn said is excellent,” Hunt said. “There are no people involved. This is petty and political.”
