
The Region : Freeway Bridge Work OKd

The California Transportation Commission has approved eight San Gabriel Valley projects to strengthen freeway bridges and make them safer during earthquakes.

The eight bridges are among 175 throughout Los Angeles and Ventura counties where $49.8 million is being spent to sheathe columns in steel jackets in order to make them stronger.

Work is scheduled to start in late summer and finish in the winter on the San Bernardino Freeway pedestrian bridge at Marguerita Avenue in Alhambra and the Ventura Freeway’s Orange Grove Boulevard on-ramp in Pasadena.


In the fall, projects will start at five overpasses at the intersection of the San Gabriel River and Foothill freeways in Irwindale and Duarte, and at one bridge at Broadland Avenue in Duarte over the Foothill Freeway.

The work is scheduled to be completed by spring, 1992.
