
Mandatory Helmet Bill

Having been an avid motorcyclist for nearly 12 years, I have to admit that the pending helmet law has me scared to death. Being an intelligent and responsible individual, I have made the choice to not wear a helmet for one simple reason; I value all my limbs and my health, not just my head. The fact is motorcycle helmets reduce your hearing to almost zero and impair your vision, making an already risky activity even more dangerous. (I cannot, however, argue against legislation that would require passengers to wear helmets and in fact I would probably support such a bill.)

If the concern of the state is increasing costs of medical care for injured motorcyclists, then address that problem directly. Pass legislation requiring motorcycle owners to carry health insurance for themselves and their passengers. Tie this in with DMV registrations and you will have made a positive, effective attempt to remedy this situation. An across-the-board helmet law is simplistic, shallow and ineffective legislation. No one who rides a motorcycle feels safe as it is; don’t make it worse!


Marina del Rey
